Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Into the great gramophone of puzzling existence (Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Book 4 - San Francisco Poems (Lawrence Ferlinghetti) 

The final book bought on my recent overseas jolly comes from City Lights Bookstore.

Because of its concentration on San Francisco and his life there, it's pretty much a perfect collection of his poetry. 

As he himself says in one of his poems, Write an endless poem about your life on earth or elsewhere.

Thanks to an autumnal storm, we had a power cut last night and it brought home to us again how reliant we are on the flow of electricity. 

It meant no water (pump needs power), no light, no dinner (half way through cooking some chicken), no more setting up of my ART room (hard to read record labels in the dark), no phones (cell phones ran out of juice, land line plugs in), no showers, no television, no Internet!!

Yikes - instead we reverted to candle power, a cold cereal meal, and early bedtime.

Thankfully, we're back on the grid this morning. Phew! Just in time for me to write and post this message.

Love and peace - Wozza

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